Information standardization series · Data Analysis Platform (DAP)
Real-time data analysis
How to smartly convert large amounts of data into knowledge and actions is an important factor for the high-end utilization of data. Data analysis platform provides professional data analysis methods to visualize information standard data and enhance customer efficiency. In addition, data workflow and the relationship between data can be clearly presented through data analysis and mining tools, thus providing strong supports for precise business decisions.
Powerful visualized presentation function enables faster and more accurate predictive analysis of key business activities, which can help customers to anticipate important events and gain reliable insights into the impact of data changes. Through innovative charts and graphics, potential bottlenecks can be identified, and risks can be prevented, which will finally lead to the improvement of the overall efficiency. Through predictive analysis, data can be deeply mined to determine the tendency and mode and assist business decisions. Powerful dashboard functions can quickly reflect all phases of data's full life-cycle, and map out business work flows, and present and identify business bottleneck nodes.
Data analysis tools are applied to analyze information standardization data to deepen the understanding on informatization.
Tracing to the root causes upon identifying the problem and form a solution.
Provide out-of-the-box solutions.
Easy creation of customers’ own big data analysis logics Superb data presentation capability.
Superb data presentation capability.