The laboratory (inspection and testing, scientific research, certification, production organization, etc., the same hereinafter) is an important institution that harnesses the standard to verify and ensure the quality. Therefore, the role of the standard for the laboratory is self-evident. Given the wide range of standards used by laboratories and the large number of platforms publishing standards, it is not so easy to obtain standards in a timely and accurate manner. The birth of the E-standard will solve this problem for the laboratory.
The laboratory (inspection and testing, scientific research, certification, production organization, etc., the same hereinafter) is an important institution that harnesses the standard to verify and ensure the quality. Therefore, the role of the standard for the laboratory is self-evident. Given the wide range of standards used by laboratories and the large number of platforms publishing standards, it is not so easy to obtain standards in a timely and accuratemanner. The birth of the E-standard will solve this problem for the laboratory.
(1)Accurate lookup service of standard and standard value
(2)Message push service of standard updates
(3)Accurate lookup service of national casual inspection
(4)Customized service with LIMS platform, etc.
We do not trade the standards. We are just a platform for sharing and disseminating standards. We are committed to the timely, efficient, accurate and agile dissemination of standards to laboratory institutions, making due contributions to strengthen China through quality.

Continuous iteration and updating of products
E-standard will update iteratively according to customer's afterwards needs and agile operation feedback.
Easy to operate and low learning costs
it is easy to operate and to acquire standard update search function.
Standard update search
E-standard supports real-time and periodic information push for standard update, which makes the customers' standard update search more efficient. The platform supports short message services, platform messages, e-mail notifications and other notifications, so that the users can easily and accurately obtain the updated information on standards.
Duel application platform of mobile App and PC terminal
E-standard includes mobile and fixed double application platforms to meet customers' requirements of reading standards anytime and anywhere.
Accurate lookup of standard indicators
it provides forward lookup and fuzzy search query after positioning of product standards/execution standards, aiming to enable users to quickly locate the target values they desired find through multiple dimensions and directions.
Wide range and large quantity of standards
E-standard platform covers a wide range and large quantity of standards. It integrates 200,000 standard data, covering national standards, industry standards, local standards, international standards, foreign standards, measurement regulations and specifications, etc.